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Vegan in Crete: Survival tips
Vegan in Crete: Survival tip...
It’s no secret that Cretans are obsessed with food, both in terms of quantity and quality. And as Crete is a mountainous island, where sheep ...
Feb 14, 2021 , 0
How to keep your kids happy in Crete
How to keep your kids happy ...
Planning a family holiday is not an easy feat. In case you are wondering whether Crete is a good place for kids, the answer is ...
Feb 14, 2021 , 0
What do Cretans drink?
What do Cretans drink?
There you are, first day of your holidays in Crete, sitting at a local restaurant, blissfully choosing among the promising dishes with strange names on ...
Feb 14, 2021 , 0

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